Paul A. Gore; Wade Leuwerke; A. J. Metz
Written by counseling psychologists Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, and A.J. Metz, Connections shows students from day one how to develop the mindset, drive, and strengths needed on their way to college, personal, and career success. The expertly designed program is firmly rooted in current research in positive psychology, using self-reflection as a tool for goal-setting; goal-setting as a tool for imagining one's potential; and imagining one's potential as the motivation for realizing it. Connections puts students at the center of their own personalized learning path, facilitates their purposeful choice of an academic and career plan, and develops all the skills they need--cognitive and non-cognitive, academic and life--to foster their self-growth and success. This  edition addresses current challenges and research, including the growth of online learning, diversity and inclusion, and the science of learning. New! Achieve courseware for Connections sets the standard for driving student learning in your college success  course with powerful learning content, engaging activities, and actionable insights and analytics. Achieve brings together an interactive e-textbook, ACES,  LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and other assessments and activities, plus extensive instructor resources–all within a new, enhanced technology platform carefully built over the past five years. In order to support students’ self-regulated learning and success, Achieve includes Goal-setting and Reflection Surveys. This series of quick, actionable pre-built surveys is designed to get students to set goals for themselves and reflect on their learning throughout the semester.
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